It is easy to get focused on the destination or goal and race to a perceived finish line and miss the simple beauty of the people and places around us.
We Fix Broken Brands
What Makes a Good Brand or Product Name?
Is It Time To Rename Your Company? Careful What You Wish For.
A few dozen times a year we get requests from companies looking for a change. Sometimes it’s to update an identity, which can lead to the question: should we consider changing the name, too? Other times it’s as simple as “we want something fresh and new.” Our questions start with why. Why do you want to change the company name? You might be surprised at how often the answer is a blank stare. For anyone wondering, that’s a bad answer for something as significant as changing the foundation of the company.
Product Naming is Easy ... Until You Try to Name a Product.
A naming process rarely includes gathering people in a room to brainstorm for an hour and call it a day. Every naming agency on the planet has a process generally for the same reason—to increase their chances of coming up with good material that will make it into the market on a regular basis. If you insist on naming products, brands or companies on your own, at least do yourself a favor and do what the naming agencies do.
How Resilient Brands Thrive in Challenging Times
Every generation has to face its own rounds of brand challenges related to the economy, public attitudes, world events, and more. Especially when things go bad, it’s easy to think that in the crisis of the moment there are no parallels to reference for a way forward. This is where despair sets in. But there are almost always examples we can look to for how to thrive in challenging times.
How Do Resilient Companies Thrive?
There are winners and losers in every economy. Some people and companies collapse under the weight of changes and uncertainty while others seem to thrive. Same conditions, similar circumstances, but one group withers away while others not only survive the challenge but go on to do great things. What makes the difference?
What’s Your Dandelion Strategy?
In the marketplace of COVID-19, company leaders need to think like founders.
The executives who got you here might not be able to get you out.
Times of crisis call for rethinking top-heavy organizations.
Does grace have a place in business?
Five steps to winning on stage in presentations
… people in the audience generally WANT YOU TO DO WELL. Think about this for a minute. How many times have you seen a speaker step up to the podium or on stage and hope they fail miserably. Most people don’t think this way. We like for people to do well. We want to hear a good presenter. We want to be delighted by the experience.
Brand Building Fundamentals: Brand Promise
Brand Building Fundamentals: Positioning
Brand Building Fundamentals: Desired Consumer Experience
Brand Building Fundamentals: Points of Difference
Brand Building Fundamentals: Points of Parity
Brand Building Fundamentals: Brand Personality
Brands can be fun, free willed, playful, studious, a work horse, etc. But those attributes don't drive much energy into the brand. Worse, your interpretation of "fun" may be decidedly different than mine. So we could work on the same brand using "fun" as the brand personality and end up in vastly different areas.